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Aspartame Has A New Name – And You’re Most Likely Buying It!


The highly controversial product, Aspartame, has been regarded by some as one of the most dangerous ingredients used in our food supply – while “official” sources continue to maintain its safety and continue not to mention the “negative” studies.

Aspartame has, in fact, been linked to seizures and a host of other major health issues including fatal cardiovascular events in women. Recent studies (I’ve read some of them!) have shown that not only does artificial sweetener intake have an association with diabetes , it also increases the risk for heart, kidney, and brain damage.

But these are not the only negative studies: In 1967, Dr. Harold Waisman, a biochemist at the University of Wisconsin, conducted Aspartame safety tests on infant monkeys on behalf of the Searle Company, the originators of Aspartame. Of the seven monkeys that were being fed aspartame mixed with milk, one died and five others had grand mal seizures.

A toxin by any other name… the dangers of Aspartame have been known for quite some time now. It is an artificial sweetener with a spectacularly bad track record but is still found in many of the foods we consume daily including “diet” beverages, chewing gum, breakfast cereals, and even fruit preserves like jams and jellies.

It’s important to know what you are eating – and important to understand the way marketing works: In a move to cover up it’s bad reputation, Aspartame has been disguised with a new name in your favorite foods – AMINOSWEET.

Used as a sugar substitute and often marketed under the brand names Nutrasweet or Equal, Aspartame is regarded as an excitotoxin. Its use has been mired in controversy since the 1980s when the CEO of Searle, Donald Rumsfeld (remember him as Secretary of Defense under the Ford and George W presidencies?), pushed for its approval. Now, its name is being changed with FDA approval, will millions more be tricked into purchasing and consuming this toxin once again?

What are excitotoxins?

Excitotoxins are substances, usually amino acids, that stimulate taste receptors on the tongue. They are not preservatives and having no nutritional value, excitotoxins are nothing other than “chemicals added to foods to make them ‘tastier,’” explains Dr. Cathie Lippman, founder of the Lippman Center for Optimal Health.

The most common excitotoxins are aspartame and monosodium glutamate (MSG).

Adverse reactions and side effects of aspartame include:

Blindness in one or both eyes
Decreased vision and/or other eye problems such as: blurring, bright flashes, squiggly lines, tunnel vision, decreased night vision
Pain in one or both eyes

Tinnitus – ringing or buzzing sound

Epileptic seizures
Headaches, migraines and (some severe)
Dizziness, unsteadiness, both
Confusion, memory loss, both
Severe drowsiness and sleepiness
Severe depression
Irritability, aggression



Endocrine and Metabolic
Loss of control of diabetes
Aggravated low blood sugar (hypoglycemia)

These are not allergies or sensitivities, but disease-type symptoms and disease syndromes. Aspartame poisoning is commonly misdiagnosed because aspartame symptoms mock textbook ‘disease’ symptoms.

Aspartame changes the ratio of amino acids in the blood, blocking or lowering the levels of serotonin, tyrosine, dopamine, norepinephrine, and adrenaline. Therefore, it is typical that aspartame symptoms cannot be detected in lab tests and on x-rays. Textbook disorders and diseases may actually be a toxic load as a result of aspartame poisoning.

For further reading, (which I strongly suggest) here are a few links.

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